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(paperback 0970148534) – silent death, second edition by uncle fester.Ĭookbook+Calendar is a scheduler, that enables to plan a menu, a diet or a dinner party, and to store recipes. What happened to hollywood: not uncle fester from the adams family,) is about three months into chemo. Loompanics Unlimited proudly presents the Fourth Edition of Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture, including recipes for MDA, Ecstasy, and other psychedelic amphetamines, which is indispensable reading for those who wish to study the chemical syntheses of these substances. A thorough review of the scientific literature on this There are a lot of secrets in this area, hence the titleSecrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture. It contains virtually everything I knowabout the subject. – Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture (3rd ed.) by Uncle Fester-– INTRODUCTION This book is the result of six years experience in the field ofmanufacturing methamphetamine.